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Punching the Bag

Lately we’ve been contemplating giving up the goats… It’s not an easy decision. We’ve weighed both our financial and effort pros + cons but are still unsure how to weigh the emotional/uniqueness of experience the ladies offer and if that should trump all rationale. Major con is that Tony milks them twice a day and it has been a tough summer working around his schedule – no extended travel, no camping (not that we do much of this anyway but, ya know, options are nice) – and to compound it all I’ve been little help in the milking department – damn these delicate hands. And, hey, is it really an inconvenience to have a daily routine? Isn’t that highly recommended by some mind melding pros? I’ve always had the notion that a solid routine with a set time to focus on a task would be my ticket to redemption. But what if routines just make the days fly by faster and life seem monotonous because we’ve stopped taking in fresh information, brushing off each day as a carbon copy of the last, blocking the formation of new memories? Hold up, I’m getting a bit too philosophical when really…I’m just trying to find the best segue into a recent urban farm home movie we made of Tony milking Geraldine & Josephine. Reel it in, crazy. In reality the “routine” of caring for animals has brought many new experiences into our lives this year and regardless of if we decide to bid farewell to our Bovidae girls and if we decide to get rid of routine and go camping whenever we please goddammit…I thank our cross-dressing goats (note: Some Like it Hot reference) for the ride.